3 NEWS: The Green Party says it won't work with a Labour government if Winston Peters is involved with cabinet.
Co-leader Russell Norman says they want a commission of inquiry into various funding scandals involving New Zealand First.
Over the weekend there were more reports about Winston Peters and United Future leader Peter Dunne and their connections to the racing industry and the so-called donations for policy scandal.
Mr Norman restated his party’s position at the launch of their open government policy.
“I think that if we get to the position post-election where Winston Peters is being proposed as a minister, or if he gets back in, I think he can’t sit around the cabinet table until we clear this issue up,” he said.
“I think the latest allegations are actually the most serious yet because they are allegations of money for policy.”
The move is significant because Labour will need to rely on the Greens and take heed of what Russel Norman has to say if they want to form a centre-left government after the election.
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