On the final afternoon of campaigning Labour leader Helen Clark said her party had thrown everything at the election campaign, and the party can still win.
Miss Clark spent the final day of the campaign in Auckland, urging voters to return a Labour-led Government.
She said there was a tremendous feeling in the Labour heartland, and repeated her message that it was important to not to take a jump into the unknown on election day, but to "stick with strong proven leadership that works."
Helen Clark said many people do not make up their mind which way to vote until election day.
She said Labour will have thousands of people working around the country on Saturday to get voters to the polls.
Listen to Helen Clark speaking to reporters on eve of electionSupport from voters, says Cullen
Labour's deputy leader Michael Cullen said if the party can get somewhere close to National he is very hopeful it can form the next Government.
Labour has trailed National by between 7.5 and 18 points in the last five opinion polls before Saturday's election.
Dr Cullen said Labour is getting very positive support out on the street, and the election will come down to whether the party can turn out the voters.
"Last election we were behind in every opinion poll that came out Thursday night, Friday morning. Everybody was working out what clothes they should wear for our funeral - we were the Government after the election."
Michael Cullen said the feedback Labour is getting is not the same as it was in 1990 when the fourth Labour Government lost the election.
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