Friday, 7 November 2008

Running since March for you

NZ VOTES '08: New Zealand Votes 2008 realises that the main part of the 2008 Election campaign is coming to an end. Tomorrow, NZ Votes '08 will not publish any material whatsoever until after the polls are closed at 7:00pm in light of the Electoral Act.

Vote Count

Every half hour, we endeavour to update the party election results on our website. The Electoral Commission is expecting all results to be counted by 11:30pm.

All other results including electorates etc will be added to this website after all the votes are in, in the form of a spreadsheet that you can download to your computer. This should be available on Sunday or Monday.

Media Coverage

TV One: Election '08, 7pm 8/11. Agenda, 10am 9/11. Sunday Election Special, 7:30pm 9/11

TV 3: Decision '08, 7pm 8/11. 3 News, 6pm 9/11

Radio New Zealand National: Election 2008, 7pm 8/11. Morning Report Election Special, 8am 9/11. MediaWatch Election Special, 10:10pm, 9/11


After Election night, NZ Votes '08 will keep you informed with the post-election coalition deals so a party can try to inform a Government.

From 31 December 2008, we will not be posting to this website any more, however our website will continue to be available online.

Reviewing our coverage

We believe that over the election year, NZ Votes '08 has been balanced and fair to all parties contesting the election, especially to the eight parties in Parliament. If you wish to comment on our coverage, you are welcome to leave comments to the end of the blog post.

Looking to 2011

NZ Votes hopes to be back for the 2011 Election, in a similar form than currently, however we plan to open the blog from 1 January 2011, rather than part-way through the Election year.

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